
Welcome Home Alumni

Remember the good ‘ole days when life was simpler and you were surrounded by your siblings going to school? And then you’d get to see your friends again on Sundays at Mass? Remember the uniforms, the sisters, your favorite teacher, and your mom volunteering for playground duty or class trips? Remember all those people who worked so hard to ensure your growing years were filled with faith and a great education? Remember your classmates? Some of whom are still your friends! 

Share Your News!

We are looking for news to post right here (see sidebar at right) and for our #AlumniMonday posts on Facebook. Please email the office at what you are doing professionally, how your family is growing, interesting hobbies you’re pursuing, etc. Do tell! 

Alumni Association?

St. John the Evangelist School is eager to form an Alumni Association. The first step to an Association is contact information for our 75 years of graduating classes. We welcome you to provide names, addresses, phone and email information on yourself, your brothers, sisters, cousins and friends who attended SJE as well as those classmates with whom you are still in touch. (Can anyone say Facebook?)

Update Your Alumni Information

Please update your current contact information. We welcome your submission of up-to-date contact information on your siblings, cousins and friends as well.

Contact Melissa Holy via email (, if you are interested in:

  • attending alumni event
  • helping to plan alumni event
  • gathering contact information on alumni from your class